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Posts tagged "Eng"

The Big Tent: Corporate Volunteering in the Global Age

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Download : The Big Tent: Corporate Volunteering in the GlobalRead more


Leading Together in the Face of Disaster, the report of a special Global Dialogue between corporations and NGOs

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Download : Final-Disaster-Dialogue-Report-Sep-13.pdf


Global Corporate Volunteering: A strategic tool to involve companies and employees in the fight against poverty

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Download : Global Corporate Volunteering: A strategic tool to involveRead more


Youth, Volunteering and Employment

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Download : Youth-Volunteering-Employment-Report.pdf


2014_UNV Forum paper International Volunteering and Governance

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Download : 2014_UNV Forum paper International Volunteering and Governance


UNV’s experience in strengthening volunteering and volunteer infrastructures

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Attachment Size UNV’s experience in strengthening volunteering and volunteerRead more


volunteering and social activism

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Download : Volunteering_and_Social_Activism_FINAL.pdf


Paper two impacting on volunteering

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Download : paper-two-impacting.pdf


Paper one recognition and valuing

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Download : paper-one-recognition-and-valuing.pdf


How The Internet has changed volunteering

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Download : how internet chnage volun.pdf


Welcome Home

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Download : welcome.pdf


Ready for Flood

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Download : ready for flood.pdf


Exhibiting Support

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Download : Exhibiting_Support.pdf


Volunteer Protection Act 2001

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Download : volunteerActaussy.pdf


Grants Scrapbook March-April 2004

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Risk Management for Community Groups

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Download : Risk Mgt – The Manual.pdf


Sponsorship Guide

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Download : SponsorshipGuideOFV(1).pdf


Risk Manament for Community Groups

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Download : Risk Mgt – The PPT Set.pdf


Media Guide for The volunteer sector

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Download : ofv_ MediaGuide.pdf


Officer for volunteer

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Download : ofv_BuildingStronger.pdf


